Who Do We Serve?
The Stowe Heights Challenge Course is structured to serve participants 10 yrs and older. We have both programs for youth and adults. Programming is tailored to meet the unique needs & objectives of each group.Any group that enjoys a change of scenery and the opportunity to build relationships, build their creativity, explore aspects of communication and understanding, or be inspired by each other's strengths is likely to benefit from a day at Stowe Heights.

Challenge By Choice
Challenge by Choice
Challenge By Choice is a concept by which programming is facilitated. It means that participants have choices in the level of their participation as long as that decision supports the group by adding value and does not take away from the group process or create a safety concern. It is important that participants are given control over the level of challenges they engage in. The team and facilitators are there to support doing hard things and highlighting capacities, but this should in no way be a decision made out of pressure. Creating this comfort zone is vital to developing respect and trust with one another and encouraging personal responsibility and commitment. As the team upholds these elements they will better be able to push into the "stretch zone" where the optimal learning experience exists. More information here
ADA Design
Our High-Course challenge course is the only course in the Midwest that is equipped to allow individuals with assistive devices to participate alongside their peers. While portable and low-challenge elements are readily adaptable to the various needs of a group, this course also allows full participation on the high course through the integration of specific harnesses and specialized equipment. With the assistance of a mini-grant from Iowa's University Center for Excellence on Disabilities (UCED), we are assessing capacity to further accessibility as we build the low-challenge course. If you would like more information on accessibility please contact stoweheights@cyconcepts.org.

"A huge THANK YOU to Jane and Eddye for such a great time with our students on the challenge course last week!! We had a few who went into it not thinking they wanted to participate or be involved. Most just didn’t know what it was going to be like so they naturally didn’t seem too enthused. However, it was a highlight of the trip for several students and our staff felt it was definitely something we would like to incorporate with other TRIO trips in the future. I enjoyed learning about the activities and felt you both did a great job connecting with the students."
Kurt Roberts
Trio Talent Search