Stowe Heights is run by a youth-serving non-profit in Des Moines, Iowa. Volunteers help make it all possible with time and energy supporting groundskeeping, building projects, maintenance, and direct service. Volunteers are vital to this program and we are grateful for the generosity of our community. Below are just a few of the ways to get involved.

Plant Natives & Pollinators
Join us in transforming Stowe Heights into a thriving ecosystem! Together, let's boost the population of native species and pollinators while bidding farewell to invasive species. Be a part of our mission to revitalize the natural beauty of our surroundings!

Removal of Invasive Plants & Weeds
This is a huge need at Stowe Heights from Poke weed to invasive honeysuckle, all kinds of wooded undergrowth can be removed to prevent choking out other species. Does your corporate group provide VTO? Spend a day at the course with a tour, a brief demo of activities, and help pull a few or a thousand weeds. It is very satisfying seeing the impact that can be made in just 2 hours with anywhere from 6 to 25 volunteers.

Book Your Team With Our Buy 1 - Give 1 Program
Stowe Heights is managed by Community Youth Concepts, a local youth-serving non-profit that strives to be accessible to all young people. Corporate groups can support under-resourced groups by booking their experience at a higher rate to "buy 1 and give 1".
Learn more by emailing stoweheights@cyconcepts.org

Become a Trained Volunteer Facilitator
Did you know that Stowe Heights currently has 2 volunteer facilitators? Our volunteer facilitators support programming 1-2 times a month. Some companies support their employee's community engagement with paid volunteer time. Training is provided and required as part of standard policy.

Volunteer at the Des Moines Arts Festival
The Des Moines Arts Festival (June 28-30) is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. We get to keep all the tips and a portion from every sale. This is a fun opportunity to contribute to our organization and give back!
​Sign up at: https://shorturl.at/hmDQ7